


Quality content for your Business's social pages

1. Choose the best topics for your business

Spidwit has a catalog with more than 50 topics: from fashion to web design, from sport to economics, from medicine to startups. Choose the topics you will cover on your social pages and receive lots of content every day to create perfect editorial strategies for your social pages!

2. The most important thematic news effortlessly

Spidwit's intelligent engine offers the freshest news on the sectors you have chosen every day. You will be able to publish or schedule all the news you want on your social channels in just a few clicks. Or you can even keep them for future use.

3. Industry-specific, viral, inspirational images. Different every day

Spidwit's search engine finds tons of photos every day that can be edited and published in just a few clicks! 

Spidwit offers not only industry images, but also those that have had the most success (likes, shares and comments): funny, inspirational, viral.

4. Graphic templates for every season and for every activity

Every month our designers add graphic templates for you based on your categories, but also on seasonal holidays, special occasions and international days. You won't miss events like Grandparents' Day, Halloween or International Reading Day!

5. A simple editor for perfect images. Amaze your customers

You can edit images and graphic templates with a "drag&drop" editor with which you can do anything you want: add images, backgrounds, icons, texts and move each object with extreme simplicity!

6. Create funny memes in two clicks and entertain your audience

What would social media be without memes? Every now and then you can afford to take yourself less seriously! You can make funny cartoons by choosing your own lyrics and in a few seconds you are ready to make your fans laugh!

7. Share and schedule content on all your social pages

With Spidwit you can publish and schedule your content on the social pages you administer: Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin are supported. On Facebook you can instead publish on the pages and groups of which you are the administrator. On Linkedin you can publish both on your personal profile and on the pages you manage. 



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